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Mercedes® Intro-Guard Car Cover, Smart For Two Coupe (451)

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Prop 65Warning


Intro-Guard Car Covers are our newest car covers available for select Mercedes. Unique to the industry, these car covers feature the All Weather Lock Strapping System located by the front and rear wheels that keeps the cover snug even in high wind conditions. This cover will not blow off. Made of 150 Denier water resistant woven polyester material, it is coated with an aluminized polyurethane/acrylic finish. Lightweight and protective, it is soft and non-abrasive to clear coat finishes. Although water-resistant, it is a breathable fabric and will not absorb water like some perforated covers. Covers feature custom cut pockets for mirrors. Also included are eyelets for the cable lock. Intro-Guard covers have an exclusive Limited Life Time warranty and include a cable lock kit and storage bag. Because of their large inventory, Intro-Guard can offer a fast turnaround- most orders are shipped within 48-72 hours after receipt of order. If you are looking for car protection at a great price, these car covers cant be beat.


  • 217579
  • 217579

  • Prop 65Warning
  • New


Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 6.0 lbs.
  • W24.0000” x H18.0000” x L18.0000”