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Mercedes® Window Regulator Without Motor, Rear Left, 1992-1999 (140)

  • Replaces Broken Or WornRegulators
Pricing: $45.89


You're driving alongone day, minding your own business while basking in the opulence ofyour Mercedes and you try to roll down the window only to hear ahorrendous clunking, grinding, and snapping sound. Suddenly, yourwindow ceases to raise and lower and is not responding other thanthe terrible sounds emanating from the door panel. You may havejust become a victim of the all too common window regulatorfailure. The window regulator is just another name for the channel& pulley system that guides the windows path up and down. Withtime, this system weakens from coagulated grease and dirt build upin the teeth and pulleys of this system causing the power windowmotor to overheat and fail. Occasionally, the added resistancebreaks the critical plastic pieces that keep everything movingsmoothly. Fortunately, replacing the window regulator requires asimple tool set and basic automotive knowledge. If you are notmechanically inclined, it helps to have the right part ready foryour mechanic. Performance Products knows how important it is tokeep your Mercedes-Benz in tip top shape. We have sourced ourwindow regulators form all corners of the world to bring you onlythe very best in automotive perfection.



Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 2.2 lbs.
  • W9.0000” x H2.0000” x L22.0000”